Sacred Lawrence Afolayan – Nani – Mp3

Download Sacred Lawrence Afolayan – Nani – Mp3

Afolayan Lawrence popularly known as Sacred Lawrence is a seasoned musician, actor, dance instructor, motivational speaker, music evangelist and a teacher with a passion and interest in godly music and the development of teenagers and Youth in any of their chosen career.
Lawrence was a music director for well over 15 years in one of the foremost Pentecostal assembly in Nigeria as well as the presiding steward of the Sacred Voice of Yahweh in Lagos Nigeria.
Lawrence has ministered in different gatherings in both spiritual and Academic settings, he now has 4 musical albums to his credit. He has written several songs including Sai Godiya, HallowYahweh, Baami, Kpo Ya, and the trending Nani; one of his latest from the album OGO AYANMO.
A Yoruba song that tells about holding The Lord Jesus at highest esteem.
It tells of the value you accord what you have been blessed with, and in this case, the greatest gift from God besides life is the gift of salvation bestowed on the world for as many will believe on Him(Christ)
Social Media Below
Instagram: Sacredlawrence
WhatsApp: 08104040898
Facebook: Lawrence Afolayan
TikTok: Sacred Lawrence Afolayan

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